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Live Chat

Live chat solutions enable businesses to engage with website visitors in real-time through instant messaging.


Select a Live Chat

Enhance your customer experience

Keep your business efficient, and your clients happy. Live chat is a stress-free way to help customers in a mutually convenient manner. Whether you choose to manage your own live chat or an AI Chatbot, our team will gladly help you.


Integrate With Website.

Perfect integration of online customer service

Whether you choose a live chat system like Zendesk or a chatbot service like Rufus AI, Digitalise is here to help seamlessly integrate these technologies into your website.


Setup Intent Based

Engage more website visitors

Send personalized messages to visitors when they perform a certain action, visit a specific page, or when they first visit your website! Intent-based trigger messages engage with your visitors just like a virtual salesman or customer support agent.


Setup Intent Based Triggers.

Engage more website visitors

Send personalized messages to visitors when they perform a certain action, visit a specific page, or when they first visit your website! Intent-based trigger messages engage with your visitors just like a virtual salesman or customer support agent.


We enhance your
customer experience with live chat

Our team will help you start more conversations with your customers and clients online with live chat. Interact with your audience, help your customers and capture more leads with Digitalise.

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